A little intro to us…

We’ve worked together for many years before deciding we wanted to set up a company together, there’s nothing quite like spending entire days cooped up in a car on a way to a shoot, or working late on an edit. You very quickly find out about each others quirks, the way you work, and what makes you tick.

We both realised we share a passion for making films that make positive changes to people’s lives. We gravitate towards projects that really make us think and leave a lasting impression. And so we’ve laughed on shoots together, we’ve cried on some, and most importantly, we’ve built a strong partnership and work ethic that we’ve brought to ThroughFilm.

Time is a valuable resource, so if we can spend it helping you make a difference in your community, that is time spent wisely in our eyes.

  • A Londoner - turned (semi) northern.

    I moved to the North East after meeting my Teessider husband and have never looked back.

    I actually met my husband in Brazil after completing a BA Honours in Film and Television Production and taking a few years to travel and experience as many wonderful cultures as I could with my life and camera squashed into a backpack.

    It was whilst filming him (and many other incredible volunteers) build a football academy and run football coaching sessions for children living in a Favela during the months surrounding the 2014 World Cup that I had my first proper brush with using my filmmaking skills to tell stories for a social benefit - and it honestly felt like I’d found my purpose in life.

    9 years of experience, much better kit and (I would love to know how many) incredible stories later, here I am ensuring I continue to use that passion and purpose for good.

    Editing is my happy place - armed with a strong coffee, a million keyboard shortcuts, and hours in front of me (that will pass like minutes). But interviewing comes in a close second. I love to hear people’s stories. It continually fascinates me that here we all are passing each other by in life and every single one of us has a treasure trove of stories to tell. Some, unbelievably beautiful. Some, gut wrenchingly hard. My job and commitment to those I have the privilege to encounter through my work is to tell these stories with integrity, authenticity, and truth.

  • Full name - Judyta, pronounced you-dit-ah.

    I was born in Poland and moved to England when I was 9. Pierogi is my favourite food and I’m still fluent in Polish, so don’t be fooled by my Yorkshire/Teesside/Manchester accent.

    I studied Film at A-Level and went on to get a First Class Bachelors Degree in Film and Television at Teesside University. I loved the North East so much that I’ve decided to build my life here, the fact I live a 10 minute walk from the beach makes me happy.

    My 3rd year film “Bieg” won best student documentary at the 2018 North East Royal Television Society Awards and I was shortlisted for the Rising Star Award at the 2019 Royal Television Society Awards.

    I cry at TV adverts but can be very composed when conducting an interview. I’m a great listener and could listen to someone’s life story for days but I’m a brutal editor and will chop out as much as I can to make a 2 minute film pack a punch. I’m organised and methodical but will sit on the floor for hours surrounded by a mountain of batteries and kit, experimenting with new video gear.

    Most of all though I care about people, and try my hardest to give their stories justice. So we can celebrate the great parts, and shed some light on the parts that need more awareness.